Tag: acquisitions

03 Feb medical devices

In “Spotlight” we will be discussing the opportunities and challenges that our clients face in various sectors, in conversation with CXOs. This month, we…

15 Jan impairment

 – Siddhant Kandoi Ind-AS 36 was introduced as the Indian Accounting Standards equivalent for IAS 36 (IFRS), covering Impairment of Assets. Under the…

18 Apr Special factors and circumstances affecting valuation

Valuations of companies or equity in India are required for a variety of reasons, usually triggered by mergers, acquisitions or share purchase/sale. The most…

05 Dec Business forecasts

In Part 1, we discussed some rookie mistakes we’ve seen businesses make while creating financial forecasts. New businesses are especially prone to making errors when…

28 Nov Building business forecasts that are reliable - avoid these common mistakes

No one is immune to the challenge of building business forecasts – whether it’s first-time entrepreneurs or large businesses. Whether it’s for the Board,…