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15 Janimpairment

 – Siddhant Kandoi Ind-AS 36 was introduced as the Indian Accounting Standards equivalent for IAS 36 (IFRS), covering Impairment of Assets. Under the…

07 Janregistered valuer requirements

After overhauling the Companies Act in 2013, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs of India introduced Clause 247 into the Act in late 2017, introducing…

05 Janecb regulations in india

Towards the end of 2019, India’s central bank (Reserve Bank of India) introduced significant changes in its regulations covering External Commercial Borrowings or ECBs.…

03 OctWhy should start ups outsource their accounting services

Many startup companies in India struggle to manage the financial aspects of their enterprises that can help them to grow from strength to strength…

24 SepWhat is financial due diligence and how it is crucial in business activities TC

In the sphere of mergers and acquisitions, financial due diligence is considered to be an important step of the process. Financial due diligence involves…

18 Seprodtep vs meis scheme for exporters india

It was recently announced that a new scheme, RoDTEP (Remission of Duties or Taxes on Export Products) Scheme will replace MEIS (Merchandise Exports from India)…